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Honesty For Me....
Rolando P. Nagtalon Jr.
Class of 2002, Polytechnic University of the Philippines
B. S. Industrial Engineering
The word honesty can actually be related to many different characteristics. It can produce love, more love,
success, and respect but it can also result to heartache, failure and disgrace. They always say that honesty is
the best policy. It is true, but in making that as your life’s philosophy, you should also be ready to face its
consequences, whatever they may be.
Have you ever seen Sex and the City parts 1 and 2? If yes, then, you should know how honest Steve was to
Miranda in telling her that he has slept with another girl. This resulted to them separating. His honesty led him
to a worse situation on this part but at the end of the story they reunited. On this same part, Miranda became
so dishonest to Carrie. Carrie was supposed to get married to Big but on the wedding rehearsal night, Steve
showed up and Miranda got so upset, she unintentionally put it on Big. She told big that getting married is a big
crazy thing or something like that. So, Big waver and as a result, he did not show up. Miranda was supposed to
tell Carrie about it but Carrie was so upset and she didn’t want to add it up. It took six months to actually tell
Carrie about that, and that was on Valentine’s Day. Carrie got so mad to Miranda and they didn’t talk for a long
time. Miranda said that she was just waiting for the right time.
Also, in part 2, Carrie kissed another guy named Aidan, her ex-boyfriend whom she met in Abu Dhabi. Carrie
called his husband Big on that same night to tell him what she’s done and as a result, Big immediately ended
the call and didn’t pick her up at the airport on her way back home. These are just two of the so many
consequences that may happen for being too honest. No secrets, no lies and you will end, no love. But don’t
worry; everything was fixed at the end of the story. At the end of the movie, love still prevailed. Love is lovelier
the second time around.
Yes, honesty in the first can make or break a relationship. Being who you really are is way of how people will
see you and treat you. People will like you no matter what as long as you like yourself and you are not doing
them any hard at all.
Elle Woods of Legally Blonde became a lawyer while she showing who she really is. She wins cases for being
very true to herself. People liked her because she never let others dictate her of what she could have become.
She just followed her honest self.
Let us not be afraid to show who we really are. Let us not be afraid to tell what we really did. After all, we did it
and we deserve whatever the consequences are. Elle Woods said, “I know that one honest voice can be louder
than a crowd. I know that if we lose our voice and let others who speak on our behalf compromise our voice,
well then, this country -- this country is in for a really bad haircut.”
Question for discussion:
1. What can you say about “Honesty is the best policy” philosophy?
2. Have you ever lied to someone?
3. Is there a point in your life that you have to tell a lie in order to make a relationship?
4. What is the real meaning of honesty?
5. Are you honest to yourself? How?