7 I The Best Online Education System in the world
Marian Baltazar
Class of 1980, University of the Philippines College of Manila
AB Political Science
When a person feels weary and tired, exhausted from a tedious work but still has to finish a task that is needed
to be done, that individual will never cease to lose faith and continue moving and trying the best that he could,
to go on and on and on till he finally reaches the goal that was set before him. As the saying goes, “Try and try
until you succeed” will hold true in every manner. Have you ever been so determined in life that not even
hardships that you encounter and whatever wound you sustain deep inside your heart can stop you from
attaining your goal in life? To feel so used up and bone-tired from doing what you believe you are supposed to
do, can be very discouraging and at times will make you feel that you are not going anywhere at this point and
time of your life. Then, you stop and think of the real reason behind all these circumstances encountered just
to realize that it is a part of life’s challenges.
Yes, when that happens, it’s time to pick up the pieces and try to regain your confidence and turn to God, who
is the author of our faith and to which everything emanates from. Like what the Scripture says in Hebrews
10:35-36, “So do not throw away your confidence, it will be richly be rewarded. You need to persevere so
when you have done the will of God, you will receive what He has promised.” To ponder in the words of God
gives you the inner strength, hope and the courage to go on. The only way for us to keep on trying is through
the Lord’s help for it is prevalent that persistence is the measure of faith in you. The person who has the gift
of perseverance will do what all prudent travellers are supposed to do when he is about to set out on a journey.
For a person to be able to maintain the track of where he is headed with tenacity in one fixed path, it will be
truly indispensable if you know where it exactly leads you. Increase your strength tenfold so as to battle out all
difficulties in life.
In spite of the pitfalls that life brings on our way and anything that we encounter, walk steadily on the path that
you have chosen. Stay on that course that leads us to the right track. Accept the gift of perseverance so as to
give us the wisdom to admit our incompetence. Continue to have that clear vision and a panoramic view of our
goal that will give us the clarity of our thoughts to journey the path to success. Our persistence of purpose
will inevitably bring out the qualities needed to hasten the accomplishment of the end that we have envisaged.
Yes, the gift of perseverance is the power that we need to debacle the obstacles in life and what the world
brings to us. Receive it for it is a free gift from God to us.
Questions for discussion:
1.Are you easily discouraged by the set of events that turn out in your life? How do you fight it?
2.How can a person be persistent with his purpose in life when faced with a lot troubles?
3.How can you describe the true meaning of perseverance?
4.Have you set your goals in life?
5.In what way could you acquire the gift of perseverance? Explain your answer further.